Mrs. O

Mrs. O's Activity (19)

  • ostrach
    ostrach replied to a comment in
    Did you read the article or just watch the video? Your response makes me think just video...
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrach replied to a comment in
    Remember....5 sentences! And watch spelling/grammar!!
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrach replied to a comment in
    Not quite CHANGES your personality, but rather REVEALS (shows) it. At least that is the opinion of the body language expert who did this study.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    this article is about how people tell what personality by what position you sleep in. But this not the first time people had study this. A professor named Chris Idzikkowski, director of U.K. sleep assessment and advisory service, gave his opinion on the people traits that slept in each position. It is said that in this article that the freefaller position is more efficient. Then the last few sentence talks about once you find that position you like sleeping in it stays like that forever. I thought this article is very interesting by how you can tell a person personality this way and how it explains what each position traits are.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    The article is about the way you sleep may tell you your personality. Like if you sleep curled up you may be stressed out. Or if you sleep like a log you may be bossy.Professor Chris Idzikowski says some positions may affect your health. I sleep all those ways I don't think I'm all those things. This is a very cool article.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    I think this article is important because the way you sleep affects your personality. I'm surprised that Robert Phillips is an expert at this and can take all this information and test it. It's kinda weird with the sleep positions and how it is not easy to change it so you can change your personality. I sleep in the Fetal position so I'm a worrywart!
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    That is weird. The way you sleep reveals your personality like if you lay flat on your stomach with your arms straight out, you have no control what happens in your life. If you are curled up or in a fetal position you are stressed out and you are meticulous. Also in 2003 Robert Phipps gave his opinions about the sleeping position, he also revealed the health benefits. Also if you are in a soldier position people attend to think you are bossy. Even know I don't know my sleeping position, this makes me want to find out.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    This article was very interesting. I'm very supprised to hear or read that just because I sleep on my side I'm stressed out, at leat that's what the article says. I don't think this article is real because, well, I'm not really stressed out at all. I would rather sleep in the Yearner position, because, it means that you're chasing your dreams or being chased. And I think we all know that I wouldn't want to be chased, so, I would want to chase my dreams.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    The way that you sleep is the way your persoonality is. The four sleeping positions are fetal, log, yearner and the freefaller. If you change the way you sleep you change your personality. I am a freefaller and a starfish. The freefaller is the best for efficient digestion and the log or solider is likely to induce snoring.
    Almost 12 years ago
  • ostrach
    ostrachliked a comment in Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal Your Personality?.
    Some people who sleep in those positions don't have the personality, but a majority does. I am most of them. I know this was posted this year, so I assume this was tested this year? Why was this tested, did it prove something to someone or just for fun? I think it's cool but I sleep like almost all of those like I said but I am one of those people who aren't like that! I learned that the vocab word meticulous means taking or showing extreme care about minut details. I enjoyed learning about this!
    Almost 12 years ago