145636's Activity (16)

  • s145636
    s145636 added a new comment in
    crunning is crawling without the knees and running but with your hands. Mcarthy invented crunning. Crunning is better because they have a more slower version of crunning in Zhengzhou. it doesn't say anything about experts but Mcarthy thinks it is more affective because it puts emphasis on the shoulders and the arms which completes a full body workout. Zhengzhou does a simalar workout but they do it a little more slower. they do crunning because Mcarthy think it completes and is a full body workout.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s145636
    s145636 added a new comment in
    was up people did mr - suarez put dat dogo quiz on da dogo cause it was on da doc.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636is now following s145636.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636 added a new comment in
    The apple tree in urikane is special because its been there for a veeeeeeeery! long time. The scientists are suprised because the tree produces in a different way then other tree's. A legend that attached to prince peter is that when he died the tree started to mourn.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    The tree is special because the tree has been able to self propagate. The scientist were surprised by the tree's behavior because the they were not able to recreate any kind of that tree, the tree was like magical. Some of the legends attached to the tree were that Prince Peter's wife died in very young age, so he planted that tree for her. The three legends that I believe best explains the tree's unusual behavior are the tree was cursed, Prince peter planted the tree, and the tree as kinda magical were the three things that best explains the tree's behavior because all this together seems like the tree is magical.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    What is special about the apple tree in Ukraine is that it has more than one trunk and it has gooseberry shrubs which never were found on apple trees before. Because instead of acting like an apple tree it acts like a gooseberry shrub. Some legends attached to the tree are that the tree is mourning the prince's death and a couple others.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    The tree is special because it is believed to have been planted by Prince Peter Sergeev of the Meshchersky royal family. The scientists were surprised by the trees behavior because it's behavior is a very rare occasion. One of the legends is that it was planted by Prince Peter Sergeev of the Meshchersky royal family followed by the tree went in mourning after Prince Peter Sergeev's death. As the branches hung lower they touched the ground and took root. I think that the one that it was planted by the guy is true because why would a tree start bending just because the person that planted him died?
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    Article Comprehension 1. What was special about the apple tree in Ukraine is that it was a 220 year old apple tree that it has 18 trunks and it has gooseberry shrubs that had never been seen before. 2.The scientists were surprised by the tree's behavior because they can't create again the tree and maybe their was a secret that lies in the tree. 3.The legends that were attached to the tree was their was a prince that planted the tree. After his death it grew and grew. The prince gravestone lies close to the original tree. Critical Thinking Challenge The three legends that I believed that best explains the tree's unsual behavior when the prince planted the tree, after that the people think it was cursed, and the prince lies close to the tree. I think all of the three lengends best explains that the tree has a unsual behavior because all together that equals to a unquie apple tree.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    The tree is special because the tree has more then one trunk. They by the behavior because the tree has the gooseberry shrub's. some are the legends that are attached to the tree is it is a apple tree and it has gooseberry stubs.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • 145636
    145636liked a comment in Ukraine's Unique "Apple Tree Colony" Comprises One Ancient Apple Tree.
    The special about this tree is that it has 18 tree trunks, and it has gooseberry shrubs, and it also is able to propagate itself. Scientist were surprised because they could not re-create another tree like that one. Some legends that are attached to this tree are 1. Some of the people believe that the tree went in mourning after prince peter's death. Also some others think that the tree is unique because it was planted by the Prince himself on the grave of his wife that had died at a very young age.2. There are some other people that maintain that the tree is cursed which is why it has been behaving more like a gooseberry bush and not just like an ordinary apple tree.
    Almost 9 years ago

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