Star Wars: Clone Wars: Volume 1 (2005)
The Saga continues with the Emmy-winning "Star Wars: Clone Wars." This animated micro-series, directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, captures George Lucas' vision in a dynamic animated style that is a visual delight for all ages. "Star Wars: Clone Wars" Volume 1 reveals the epic adventures that bridge the story arc between "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and "Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." Follow the valiant Jedi Knights and the Brave soldiers of the Republic's clone army as they battle against the droid forces of the Separatists, led by the evil Sith Lord, Count Dooku. Witness the battles that made galactic heroes out of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and along the way get a first look at the new menace from Episode III, General Grevious. This is a must-have for any "Star Wars" collection.
Release Date: March 21, 2005
7 Movie Reviews
- tajajaty-156647761183over 4 yearsstar wars avery exciting movie i loved the batties the coiors swords .i like amadela . she is very preety . jet eye. f colon wars revenge of the sith.thousaands years to attempt to clock. lukes wife has twins. his father dies a new hope. luke and hon rescuite reya lukes proves the frost is the empire strikes back lukes faces the empire i really enjoyed the movie.
- fn2187almost 7 yearsawesome
- fn2187almost 7 yearsamazing
- awesome
- henbokbokabout 7 yearsamazing
- pizzaman123over 8 yearsI agree. PEOPLE PLEASE COMMENT THIS IS A GOOD MOVIE
- personover 8 yearsi loved this