Jaws of Death

Jaws of Death (1976)

Rated PG 91 min -

Directors: William Grefe

Cast: Richard Jaeckel, Jennifer Bishop, Buffy Dee, Harold Sakata, and John Davis Chandler

Release Date: January 1, 1976

6 Movie Reviews
  • me likey about 7 years
    I like it because it is just a shark that eats people and it seems gross but that happens so much and we just don't notice it.
    • finn123
      finn123almost 9 years
      do not watch it is waaaaay to scary forus alll
      • silverguy
        silverguyabout 11 years
        it is scary
        • silverguy
          silverguyabout 11 years
          i hate this movie
          • millie
            millieover 12 years
            I have heard it is super scary and gross.I want to see it SOOOO bad.

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