Finding NemoNemo, an adventurous young clownfish, is unexpectedly taken from his Great Barrier Reef home to a de...
The Simpsons: The Good, the Bart, and the LokiLoki is banished from Asgard once again and must face his toughest opponents yet: the Simpsons and S...
The Christmas ChroniclesSiblings Kate and Teddy try to prove Santa Claus is real, but when they accidentally cause his sleig...
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeSiblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. ...
Home Alone 4Kevin McCallister's parents have split up. Now living with his mom, he decides to spend Christmas wi...
Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist10-year-old Finn is terrified to learn his family is relocating from sunny California to Maine in th...
Home AloneEight-year-old Kevin McCallister makes the most of the situation after his family unwittingly leaves...
Home Sweet Home AloneAfter being left at home by himself for the holidays, 10-year-old Max Mercer must work to defend his...
Home Alone 39-year-old Alex Pruitt is home alone with the chicken pox. Turns out, due to a mix-up among nefariou...
HomeWhen Earth is taken over by the overly-confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to cal...