October Baby

October Baby (2011)

Rated PG-13 107 min - Drama
A beautiful and naive college freshman discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.

Directors: Andrew Erwin (II), Jon Erwin

Cast: Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, John Schneider, Jennifer Price, and Colleen Trusler

Release Date: October 30, 2011

7 Movie Reviews
  • tary00136
    tary00136about 11 years
    is this good??!!
    • tary00136
      tary00136over 11 years
      wanna watch it only watched like 5 minutes of it
      • campgracekid3
        campgracekid3almost 12 years55 popcorn
        A really good movie, although it is PG13. Wonderful movie!!
        • poppltiara
          poppltiaraabout 12 years
          Reaeeeaaalllyy wanna see dis movie ^.^
          • cheeselover123
            cheeselover123about 12 years55 popcorn
            This movie is great for an older viewing audience. It is about a girl who survived an abortion. She does not know that though. In the end she finds her real mom and tells her she forgives her. I REALLY recommend this movie. Although it is somewhat of a chick-flick my dad liked it so yeah
            • poppltiara
              poppltiaraabout 12 years
              Thanks for the info on the movie i appreciated it because the preview dosen't say much about the actual movie ^.^
            • barbiegirl17
              barbiegirl17over 12 years
              looks so cute!! i really want to see!

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